Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)




Influenza vaccination rates for all minority groups in Minnesota are lower than rates for Caucasians of all age groups. Since 2006, a collaborative partnership called Minnesota Immunization Networking Initiative (MINI) has provided free influenza vaccinations in convenient and trusted community settings throughout the Twin Cities metropolitan area of Minnesota in an attempt to address this health disparity. The literature highlights a number of barriers that negatively influence individuals' choices regarding acceptance of influenza vaccination but also highlights motivators, facilitators and processes that positively impact these decisions. Thirteen focus group interviews were conducted with individuals from the Ethiopian, Latino, Native American and Somali communities in 2013 to understand reasons for their continued lack of participation at MINI clinics. Utilizing themes identified from these focus groups, MINI partners and community site contacts proposed to co-cre ate aculturally sensitive and language appropriate educational and communication toolkit to improve knowledge about influenza and influenza vaccination. The ultimate goal is to influence individuals' decisions to obtain annual influenza vaccinations as a means of maintaining health and wellness. If successful, this collaborative educational approach would improve influenza vaccination rates and reduce or eliminate this health disparity in some of the state's most vulnerable populations.


SC 11.AN.2014.McNabb.PB
