Comic Connections Reflecting on Women in Popular Culture
With the popularity of comic adaptations on television and at the movies, these current topics can be a great way to engage students by bringing characters and stories they connect with into the classroom to help them build the skills that they need to be successful. Comic Connections: Reflecting on Women in Popular Culture is designed to help teachers from middle school through college find exciting new strategies that they can use right away as part of their curricular goals. Each chapter has three pieces: comic relevance, classroom connections, and concluding thoughts; this format allows a reader to pick-and-choose where to start. Some readers might want to delve into the history of a comic to better understand characters and their usefulness, while other readers might want to pick up an activity, presentation, or project that they can fold into that day’s lesson. This volume in Comic Connections series focuses on female characters—Wonder Woman, Peggy Carter, and Lois Lane, to name a few—with each chapter deconstructing a specific character to help students engage in meaningful conversations, writing projects, and other activities that will complement and enhance their literacy skills.
Publication Date
Rowman & Littlefield
Lanham, MD
Comic Books, Feminism, popular culture
American Literature | American Popular Culture
Recommended Citation
Muñoz, Joaquin and Eckard, Sandra, "Comic Connections Reflecting on Women in Popular Culture" (2018). Faculty Bookshelf. 65.
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