Adapting to New Eyewitness Identification Procedures : Leading Experts on Challenging Traditional Processes and Integrating New Techniques
Adapting to New Eyewitness Identification Procedures provides an authoritative, insider’s perspective on recent breakthroughs in eyewitness interviewing and identification practices. Featuring experts in eyewitness identification procedures from across the country, including law enforcement officials, attorneys, and academics, these leaders guide the reader through the flaws of the current system and recent reforms, such as identifying suspects through sequential display methods as opposed to using simultaneous display, to prevent false identifications. Emphasizing the importance of staying on top of these developments, the authors describe the scientific research behind how witnesses recall information and how this information has driven changes in line-up procedures and witness questioning strategies. From training law enforcement officials to follow these new guidelines to advising attorneys on using this knowledge in the courtroom, these experts explain the changes to eyewitness identification interviews step by step and highlight the reasons behind each change. Additionally, the authors offer their predictions for the future of identification procedures and share advice on how utilizing them can impact a case.
Publication Date
Eagan, MN
Legal Studies | Psychology
Recommended Citation
Steblay, Nancy, "Adapting to New Eyewitness Identification Procedures : Leading Experts on Challenging Traditional Processes and Integrating New Techniques" (2010). Faculty Bookshelf. 34.