

This report analyzes the reception of both Disney Animation studio's and Pixar studio's last ten animated films, those released from 2003-2013, through a study of their Rotten Tomatoes scores as phases of varied success (a fllm with a score above 50%) and failure (a film with a score below 50%). Through examining this data, I determine the reasoning behind Disney Animation studio's recent series of blockbuster hits (a film with a score between 80% and 100%) and Pixar's recent duds (films receiving scores between 39% and 78%). This report provides a more accurate analysis of the studios' performance as it is devoid of the bias present in the analysis done by reporters and the studio's highest ranking employees. This analysis may enable Pixar to realize there is a problem with their business culture and with their recent film strategy. Additionally, Disney Animation studio may then also be capable of preventing any future unsuccessful films by avoiding the past business culture problems of both studios. In this analysis, I utilize a line graph comparing the Rotten Tomatoes scores of the studios' last ten fllms and the trends present during 2003-2013. I also analyze the business cultures of each studio during this time period. Each studio's culture largely influenced the amount of success of each of their films during this time period which established the different phases. Furthermore, Bob Iger's, Disney's CEO, decision to merge the studios in 2006 led to both studios being run by only two men, John Lasseter and Ed Catmull. This led to Pixar's decline from 20ll-2013 as the studio was neglected by the pair since they were spending a great portion of their time at Disney Animation studio in order to revive the studio.
