Augsburg Honors Review is an internationally competitive interdisciplinary journal seeking illuminating, insightful, and contemporary research at the undergraduate level. Students need not be members of Honors Programs to submit papers.
The primary goal of The Honors Review is to give all undergraduates the opportunity to participate in scholarly conversations within their disciplines and to expose them to the dialogue that occurs between a journal and a contributor in editing an article for publication. The Honors Review will provide its authors with the unique chance to receive prompt and personal feedback during the editing process through the use of private online discussion forums.
Current Volume: Volume 12 (2019)
Full Issue
Full Issue
Gabriel Benson and Savannah Stevens
Noble Savage, Noble Scotsman: The Act of Union as a Dubious Model for British Colonialism
Kelton Holsen
Prospects for Justice and Accountability in Syria
Alexis Staubus
The Impact of Eastern and Western Mindfulness on Well-Being
Savannah Stevens

Editorial Staff
- Editor in Chief
- Gabriel Benson
- Managing Editor
- Savannah Stevens
- Editor
- Malik Abdulahi
- Editor
- Callie Boucher
- Designer
- Megan Johnson
- Faculty Advisor
- Stacy Freiheit