Date of Award


Document Type

Restricted Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)




Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) are an underutilized asset in the dialysis unit. Currently, LPNs working in a dialysis unit in a large Midwest teaching hospital are performing the same duties as the clinical hemodialysis technicians (CHTs). The fact that the LPNs are not allowed to work to their full scope of practice is causing frustration among the LPNs, and with other staff working in this particular dialysis unit. Due to the LPN’s frustrations, they are looking for other jobs. Some of the frustration is simply not knowing the scope of an LPN’s license. This project outlines the development of a practice change to have LPNs practice to their full scope in one of the eight dialysis units in a Midwest teaching hospital. This paper will discuss the practice change of having LPNs perform focused assessments in their daily practice, thus changing the staffing model within this dialysis unit. Watson’s Carative Factors (six and nine) of problem solving and the use of self and gratification help to guide this project. Allowing the LPNs to function within their scope of practice could potentially increase their satisfaction and promote retention at this Midwest dialysis unit.


SC 11.MAN.2018.Anderson.A
