Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Social Work (MSW)


Social Work

First Advisor

Lois Bosch

Second Advisor

Clarice Staff

Third Advisor

Sue Shomler


The purpose of this study was to explore the need for a community grief support program for children, Nineteen professionals who work directly with children participated in this study. Data were collected utilizing an interview with a closed- and open-ended item questionnaire. Among the topics discussed were knowledge of existing grief support services, interventions to facilitate a child's adjustment to death and the need for a grief support program for children Findings indicated all of those who participated in the study felt a grief support program for children was needed. Participants provided useful information for the development of future programs. Several interventions that may have an impact on a child's adjustment to loss were recommended by the participants and throughout the literature Adults educated and knowledgeable about grief and child development were indicated as a key factor in assisting grieving children. This study will provide social workers, community professionals and families with information about the needs of grieving children and the need for additional supportive programs.


SC 11.MSW.2000.Wolner.P

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Social Work Commons
