Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Social Work (MSW)


Social Work

First Advisor

Michael Schock

Second Advisor

Anthony Bibus

Third Advisor

Randy Collins


This study explores the intrapersonal and environmental factors associated with change in the transition from homelessness to permanent housing from the perspective of young women who have experienced it. Three young women were interviewed face-to-face in semi-structured interviews, using a non-probability convenience sample. Content analysis was used to identify intrapersonal and environmental factors that affected the process of change. Research participants identified goal-directed behavior, persistence and hope as intrapersonal factors in effecting change. Supportive relationships and practical assistance were identified as supportive factors in the transition period. The findings are discussed in relation to research from the literature, and the Transtheoretical Model of Change (Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross, 1992). Implications for social work practice and future research are discussed.


SC 11.MSW.2000.Willand.TL

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Social Work Commons
