Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL)



First Advisor

Velma Lashbrook

Second Advisor

Rosemary Link


This research examined the impact of using a servant-leader approach to facilitate a happiness retreat for women. Several self-report assessments were used in an attempt to measure three different aspects of the women’s lives. This research sampled four women, ranging in age from 29 to 30, that are all associates of the chief investigator, interested in attending a retreat. The full-day retreat took place during an annually scheduled trip to Dallas, Texas. The evidence to support the original hypothesis that the designed retreat will have a measurable impact on the levels of happiness of those who attended is inconclusive. While measurable levels of increased happiness were attained in response to some questions, there was a decline in others. Several factors may have affected the results and are areas where further research is needed. They include: the high level of initial happiness for retreat attendees, the age of retreat attendees, the relationship between the facilitator and the participants, the short length of the retreat, and the fact that retreat activities were not tailored to each individual's specific interests, values and needs.


SC 11.MAL.2009.Marquett.L
