
Joel Dimock

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAE)




Project-based learning is becoming a more cofirmon practice in schools around America, particularly small independently operated charter schools such as Learning for Leadership. Learning for Leadership Charter School (LLCS) is a project-based charter school in urban Minneapolis with a mission of delivering a project-based approach to learning compared to a more traditional direct instruction approach. LLCS does not uniformly deliver a consistent model of project-based learning through its various grade levels. Through extensive research of literature, a preliminary project-based model was developed and tested in a small group special education setting. From this experience, along with input from professionals and in-depth analysis, a revised model has been developed for teachers to use within all grade levels at LLCS. This paper investigates the research surrounding project-based learning and offers a view inside the development of a project-based model and its implications in the classroom.


SC 11.MAE.2011.Dimock.J
