Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)




The purpose of this project is to implement a rural community-based collaborative care network to assist high frequency emergency department users navigate a comprehensive system to access a full range of health care services and decrease reliance on the emergency department. Patients who frequent the emergency department are less apt to receive coordinated treatment of pain and other chronic disease which leads to suboptimal care focusing on symptoms rather than disease management. Nurses who practice in the emergency department identify the pattern of frequent use and lack of care coordination but struggle to provide a connection to preventative services and network of needed community services at the time of the visit. Literature and legislation suggest the use of community-based care collaborative networks as a means to provide more appropriate care and services for chronic disease, access to preventative care, reduction in health care costs, and frequency of emergency department use. Margaret Newman's theory of health as expanding consciousness supports the project through use of pattern recognition by nurses to evolve to a higher level of knowing and connecting with patients to transform their health experience.


SC 11.MAN.2011.Draeger.AL

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Nursing Commons
