Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAE)




The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) was signed into law on January 8th, 2002. It appears that in an effort to comply with No Child Left Behind, my school district displaced me from my former secondary teaching position, where I taught students with autism, to an elementary, Emotionally/Behaviorally Disordered (E/BD) position. As an educator and parent, I was not properly informed about the educational act, so I took it upon myself to find out more. This paper will look into NCLB and ask fellow cooperating teachers and parents of students in my program what they know about NCLB. Using the qualitative research method, teachers and parents were asked to share what they knew about NCLB and "the highly qualified teacher" through interviews and sureys. These perceptions, explanations, and experiences will be documented and analyzed throughout this action research paper.


SC 11.MAE.2007.Raph.NJ

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