Date of Award

Spring 6-22-2000

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Social Work (MSW)


Social Work

First Advisor

Susan Bullerdick

Second Advisor

Rosemary Link

Third Advisor

Edward Skarnulis


A descriptive research study focusing on the mental health services available to juveniles in the juvenile justice system who have mental health diagnoses. Ramsey county juvenile probation officers were surveyed to provide information regarding this population.

Juveniles in the juvenile justice system have been identified as having a high incident of mental health disorders and are a population in great need. The goal of the study was to answer several questions related to the number of youth with mental disorders in a metropolitan juvenile justice system. The information was collected using a short survey distributed to the county's 44 juvenile probation officers. The surveys were distributed through inter-office mail in all the branch offices. This descriptive study confirms the high number of juveniles with unmet mental health needs. The study identifies where care is initiated and common barriers to continuation of treatment. This study provides a foundation for future studies within population that evaluate effective practice approaches. The study also provides concrete data that may be useful in supporting funding proposals for the juvenile justice system.


SC 11.MSW.2000.Pease.TA

Included in

Social Work Commons
