Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL)




Mentoring is not a new concept to leadership. It is as old as civilization. It is a transfer of wisdom through the mentoring relationship. Healthcare organizations have recognized and supported the need for mentoring relationships. Mentors possess a combination of attributes that others are compelled to want to follow or work with. Mentors have a keen interest in sharing, guiding and helping others develop. Mentoring may take place formally or informally. A structured useful type of mentoring is purposeful mentoring. Purposeful mentoring in healthcare has an agreed upon purpose between a mentor and mentee. The goal of the relationship is different than that of a consultant, supervisor, leader, manager, preceptor or counselor. The author's model includes access to mentors, participation, learned visions, communication and recognition. The patient is at the cote of the model as the customer or the one to be served in this relationship supported by the employee.


SC 11.MAL.2007.Dehmer.JS
