Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)




The purpose of this project was to explore issues that influence Master Degree completion as perceived by graduate nursing students, using focus groups. All eight graduate nursing student participants recently completed structured coursework, but had not submitted a final paper or project. Margaret Newman's Health as an Expanding Consciousness Nursing Theory was applied as the conceptual framework used to process the information obtained. Dialogue between moderator and participants occurred during accompaniment enabling valuable information to be elicited, and participants' personal clarification of concerns; therefore establishing praxis. Issues emerged related to adult learners seeking defined expectations and effective relationships with advisors. Situational issues did not surface. Information gathered will be useful in future curriculum planning and policy development to potentially enhance the Masters in Nursing graduation rate.


SC 11.MAN.2007.Gentile.S

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Nursing Commons
