Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAE)




Can middle schoolers' attitudes and behaviors towards recycling and waste reduction be improve through service-learning? This project was designed to help Crosswinds Middle School realize the school's mission to help students become environmental stewards through a two-week course titled "Eco-Crusaders." During the course, students in grades six to ten were challenged to collaborate and create service learning projects that improve the school's recycling program. Students launched a successful school-wide campaign designed to "make recycling cool." Outcomes were measured by the use of surveys taken at the beginning of the course and repeated at its completion, along with service-learning reflections. Project outcomes included the implementation of a student-led recycling collection, student-made recycling centers in every classroom, and data to support a positive change in attitudes and behaviors towards recycling.


SC 11.MAE.2012.Armstron.SB
