Date of Award

Spring 3-22-2006

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)




Nursing has a long history of developing care plans that address what nurses perceive as the problems and needs of the patients under their care. One of the greatest ironies in nursing is that the most important person, the patient, is often excluded from the planning process. The importance of soliciting input from the patient or family has been diminished in recent years, but is now acknowledged to be the key to high quality individualized care. Patient and family involvement is not just about organizational structures-it is a cultural change. lt is empowering patients and their families to have a say and nurses to work differently, listen to the patients, and act upon their views This project is part of an initiative to integrate patient priorities into the planning and delivery of patient care in a major metropolitan hospital. This project site is dedicated to the use of patient-centered, evidence-based approaches that involve collaborative goal setting with the patient and the nurse. ln order to achieve a common understanding of the necessity of incorporating patient priorities into the patient plan of care, this hospital implemented an educational program to introduce their self-designed nursing care model that promotes nursing staff's recognition of patient involvement in the care planning process.


SC 11.MAN.2006.Loushin.S

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