Date of Award

Winter 12-14-2006

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAE)



First Advisor

Thomas Morgo


Many factors influence a prospective college student's final college decision. As Augsburg College seeks to grow its theatre department, the question of what matters most to prospective theatre students is especially timely. This project seeks to answer the question, "'What factors make the largest impact in attracting and matriculating theatre majors to Augsburg College?" One-on-one interviews were conducted with current Augsburg theatre students. These in-depth conversations provided insight into the effectiveness of various recruiting methods and identified untapped recruitment opportunities. The research confirmed that the theatre department's early, deliberate, and multi-faceted recruitment strategies directly impact students' interest in and decision to attend Augsburg College. The author concludes with recommendations that she anticipates will enhance and expand the recruiting activities of the College, starting with, but extending beyond, the Theatre Arts Department.


SC 11.MAE.2006.Bierman.BJ

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Education Commons
