Date of Award

Winter 12-19-2003

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)




There have been few studies that have attempted to understand the world of parents raising a child with depression. This study introduces the magnitude of the problem of childhood depression and explores what it means to be the mother of an adolescent with depression. For this study, three mothers of adolescents wit.h depression were questioned interviews were in unstructured interviews. The taped transcribed, and the resulting texts were Four core themes were analyzed using a six-stage process. extracted-maternal role, support, and grief-and reveal_ed what it was family disequilibrium, like for mothers raising a child with depression. Hermeneutic phenomenology provided the philosophical framework for this study.


SC 11.MAN.2003.Brose.MR

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Nursing Commons
