Date of Award

Summer 7-19-2004

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)




Healing Touch, an energetic treatment modality developed by nurses, was introduced into an established torture treatment center with the goal of decreasing torture-related symptoms and increasing survivors' overall sense of well-being and health. Three methods of evaluation were used to determine if the project goal had been met. The first project objective of showing a decrease in participants' reported feelings of anxiety and depression was not achieved. The second project objective of demonstrating a reduction in participant's reported levels of pain was achieved with statistically significant results. The third project objective of obtaining statements of recognition of the therapy as being significant in increasing an overall sense of well-being was also achieved. Recommendations from this pilot project are that Healing Touch therapy be continued, and that further studies be conducted with larger numbers of participants.


SC 11.MAN.2004.McCullou.K

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Nursing Commons
