Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)




The purpose of this project is to improve the orientation experience of the new graduate nurse at a metropolitan Minnesota hospital through the development of a structured mentoring program. The transition from student nurse to professional nurse is stressful for new graduate nurses. Stress combined with increased technology and patient acuity in the acute care setting has led to many new graduate nurses leaving the profession, contributing to the anticipated nursing shortage. Literature on new graduate nurse orientation, the nursing shortage, mentoring, and generational differences were incorporated in the development of the structured mentoring program. The importance of nursing leadership engagement and support from a consistent mentor are stressed. Imogene King's theory of Goal Attainment provides support for the structured mentoring program to focus on relationship building, engaging the new graduate nurses in the orientation process, and empowering the new nurse through encouragement and praise for accomplishments.


SC 11.MAN.2011.Gamble.KO

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Nursing Commons
