Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)




Each dry the population of the world becomes more interconnected, placing huge challenges before health care providers to deliver care that is culturally appropriate. As the largest group of health care providers, nurses are especially challenged to provide culturally appropriate and congruent care to those they serve. It is therefore essential that nursing education provide students with opportunities to develop transcultural nursing knowledge. Students need practical experiences with culture in order to increase their understanding of cultural similarities and differences. The purpose of this project is to foster the development of beginning transcultural competence among baccalaureate nursing students and to help them gain confidence in caring for persons whose cultural backgrounds are different from their own. Through the interconnected processes of teaching and learning, an innovative model integrating transcultural nursing concepts and experiences into a baccalaureate nursing curriculum was developed. This paper describes the model development, implementation, and evaluation process.


SC 11.MAN.2004.Joswiak.ME

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Nursing Commons
