Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

MS in Physician Assistant Studies (PA)


Physician Assistant Studies

First Advisor

Jenny Kluznik


Breast milk is the natural first food for all infants, and breastfeeding provides multiple benefits for both the mother and child. However, breastfeeding rates in the United States are far from optimal, despite these benefits. There are multiple complex and interrelated reasons for the suboptimal breastfeeding rates, and multiple interventions have been completed with the goal of obtaining optimal breastfeeding rates. This literature review examines the efficacy of these breastfeeding interventions, specifically examining whether antenatal breastfeeding education was associated with increased breastfeeding initiation and duration relative to individualized support. Results of the literature review suggest that a combination of antenatal breastfeeding education and individualized support was associated with the greatest increase in breastfeeding initiation and duration. Solutions to increase breastfeeding rates were proposed, including subsidizing antenatal breastfeeding education to make access universal. Overall, despite the complex hurdles that mothers face when deciding to pursue or forgo breastfeeding their infant, there exist multiple interventions to address these hurdles and ultimately promote breastfeeding initiation and duration.



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Pediatrics Commons
