Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Social Work (MSW)


Social Work

First Advisor

Dr. Edward Skarnulis

Second Advisor

Dr. Laura Boisen

Third Advisor

Sarah Lilja, MSW, LICSW


There is much controversy about how and where to best educate children with developmental disabilities. There are those who argue for the integration or complete inclusion of children with disabilities into a regular education environment. On the other hand are those who argue for continued and increased special education services that are provided outside of the regular education classroom. Currently in education there is a wide spectrum of environments in which children with developmental disabilities are being taught. The purpose of this study is to analyze the development and evolution of special education public policy, with an emphasis on the current trend toward integration. The findings show that much more research on the effectiveness of special education and integration needs to be done before widespread education policies are implemented. Recommendations are made for further research on integration of children with developmental disabilities.


SC 11.MSW.1997.Larson.MJ

Included in

Social Work Commons
