Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Social Work (MSW)


Social Work

First Advisor

Blanca-Rosa Egas

Second Advisor

Sheila Schmaltz

Third Advisor

Tara Muhlhauser


This is a descriptive study that identifies the number of youth and parents served by the North Dakota PATH program that have substance abuse issues- An analysis of existing files regarding youth placed with PATH and their parents was completed by social workers. A total of 79 cases were reviewed. Thirty point four percent of the youth served by PATH were found to have substance abuse issues. Their Parents also had high percentages of substance abuse issues, mothers 30.4%, and fathers 60.8%. The Researcher discusses the importance of educating social workers, families, foster parents, and youth in care on substance abuse issues. This is presented from a team perspective, and emphasizes the importance of reunification of youth in care with their families.


SC 11.MSW.1996.Daughert.MM

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Social Work Commons
