Date of Award
Document Type
Open Access Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)
First Advisor
Joyce P. Miller DNP, RN
Second Advisor
Kathleen Clark, DNP, RN
Third Advisor
Daniel Cheriye, MD
The growing cultural diversity and universality in the United States calls for the understanding of all members of society. Health care in the 21st century has become a human rights issue, where every member of the society desires to be treated within the specific culture. To Ethiopians, culture is seen as the embodiment of one’s existence, it influences perceptions and views of varying life dimensions. Culture, as seen in through the lens of individuals, is highly dependent on upbringings, traditions, beliefs and lifeways. Individuals from varying cultures perceive health and wellness from a cultural perspective. For Ethiopians, what it means to have quality of life is embedded in culture. Literature has proven that immigrants from different cultures, including Ethiopians, are prone to health disparities, subjected to biases and stereotypes, and experience mistreatment from health care providers. Using Leininger’s Culture Care Theory and Universality and the vital role it plays in providing culturally congruent and sensitive care, this author proposes to open a culture specific health center, called Siloam Tena Center, dedicated to the Ethiopian Community living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The health center will provide culture specific and sensitive care to the Ethiopian attendees. To address these issues and improve health, studies have suggested developing health care centers in correlation with individuals’ cultural context, such as the Siloam Tena Center.
SC 11.MAN.2023.Daniel.L
Recommended Citation
Daniel, Liyu, "An Ethiopian Health Center: a Transcultural Approach to Health for Immigrants Living in Minnesota" (2023). Theses and Graduate Projects. 1585.