Date of Award


Document Type

Restricted Access Thesis

Degree Name

MS in Physician Assistant Studies (PA)


Physician Assistant Studies


Background: This literature review delves into the intricate relationship between Hmong culture and Western medicine. Originating from Southeast Asia, the Hmong people have a rich history of migration and have settled in various countries, including the United States, where their traditional practices, such as shamanism and herbal medicine, remain deeply rooted. The introduction of Western medicine has brought forth a clash of beliefs, leading to skepticism and resistance. Issues such as spiritual healing, medicinal usage, language barriers, and decision- making processes are explored, highlighting the importance of cultural competence for healthcare providers. Purpose: To identify the most common cultural experiences or challenges within the Hmong community as this group of people interacts and intertwines with Western Medicine Methods: A comprehensive literature review was conducted using google scholar, UpToDate, Lindell Library, and databases such as EBSCO. Studies from within the last five years were used in this research paper. Conclusions: The literature review and case study on Hmong immigrants highlight the importance of cultural sensitivity, effective communication, and collaboration between Western medicine and traditional beliefs. Culturally competent care can encourage trust with Hmong patients, improving treatment compliance and outcomes. Overcoming language barriers through interpreters is crucial. Integrating traditional and Western medicine offers more comprehensive treatment options, and empowering patient autonomy enhances satisfaction and compliance. Educating about Western medicine builds trust. Healthcare policy should consider cultural diversity for equitable services. Embracing cultural differences can lead to a more inclusive and patient-centered healthcare system.


SC 11.PAS.2023.Vang.KN
