Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)




Childhood obesity has been cited as a modern day public health crisis. Despite the creation of many health education programs and interventions, the prevalence of childhood obesity remains largely unchanged. In response to this growing epidemic, nurses have been called to action to help mitigate health education disparities. The purpose of this project is to pool existing community resources to impact the general health of school-age children while influencing the health norms of their surrounding communities. A partnership between local school districts and a non-profit children's hospital has been created to provide health education to school age children in the Minneapolis/ Saint Paul metropolitan area. Nola Pender's Health Promotion model will offer theoretical guidance to the structure of this education program. The QUEST for Health education program will show students that they have the power to control many choices that affect their health today and in the future. This program will launch students on a life-long quest to find ways to incorporate healthy practices throughout their life.


SC 11.MAN.2015.Appleton.KP
