Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)



First Advisor

Joyce P. Miller DNP, RN


Enhancing Cultural Awareness: Building Relationships Between Non Native American Nurses and Native American Lakota PatientsCulture impacts the perceptions and responses to health and wellness and acceptance of nursing care. Learning how to build strong relationship bridges with the Native American Lakota patient is important so that a professional nurse can respond appropriately and sufficiently while delivering holistic nursing care. Patients will experience better health if a successful nurse-client relationship is built between them that will allow for all the patient"s needs to be fully considered promoting a true partnership. Jean Watson's caring science nursing framework of caring and healing relationships guides nursing practice in ways that honor cultural values and beliefs toward health and healing of the Oglala, Lakota persons seeking healthcare that could eliminate discrimination in the delivery of health services and may change the health disparities of the Native American of today. Receiving knowledge about American Indian's health traditions and practices through educational material will enhance nurse-patient relationships and lead to more effective care. A need was identified at a large Midwestern healthcare facility for a user friendly and more inclusive web-based tool for healthcare providers to reference to increase their knowledge about the Native American Lakota patient population. The project model, using Watson's theoretical framework, depicts information that healthcare providers can use as a visual tool to deliver culturally sensitive nursing care.


SC 11.MAN.2012.Mercill.S

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Nursing Commons
