Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)



First Advisor

Joyce P. Miller DNP,RN


The number of people with diabetes in the United States is continuing to grow at an alarming rate. Over 23 million people in the United States are affected with the disease and it is estimated that the number of people diagnosed with diabetes in the United States is increasing by 1 million people annually. It is essential that nurses working in all capacities help with the prevention and management of this disease. lssues surrounding adequate patient self-management of the disease are identified as smoking, glycemic control, diabetes education, footcare, and financial concerns. An algorithm for diabetes assessment was developed to assist nurses working in a wound clinic to educate diabetic patients and help them access resources important in diabetes management. This algorithm was created using Newman's Health as Expanding Consciousness theory as a guide; specifically the assumptions that illness is a part of a person's health, a person interacts with their environment to form patterns, and when meaning in these pattems is discovered, a person will achieve optimal health.


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