Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)




Medical/surgical patients post-operatively report significant pain and are not always satisfied with their pain management. Nurses on medical/surgical units frequently find themselves in a cycle of chasing after their patients' pain. Medical/surgical units historically rely heavily on pharmacological interventions to manage post-operative pain with little focus on non-pharmacological interventions. With the integration of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) as an additional tool for care for medical/surgical nurses, they will be empowered to be proactive rather than reactive in post-operative pain management. This project develops an innovative post-operative pain management educational program that integrates Western medicine and CAM into the care of post-operative patients to enhance patients' comfort and promote healing. Innovative post-operative pain management incorporates Kolcaba's Comfort Theory as the framework of the educational program for medical/surgical nurses. In addition Kolcaba's key concepts of healing comfort, relief, ease, and transcendence will transform medical/surgical nurses' efforts of pain control to creating an environment of holist comfort.


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