Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAE)



First Advisor

Susan O'Connor

Second Advisor

Gregory Krueger


Research shows that teachers have both a passion and desire to teach reading feel conflicted by their pedagogical education, the district in which they teach, and government policies. Research suggests political agendas drive reading programs, reading curriculum, and teacher evaluations. The objective of this qualitative action research paper is to gain insight into primary grade teachers' perspectives on their reading instruction. The teacher participants in the study feel ready and eager to teach reading. However, they routinely feel they are not supported by their individual school district, including the state and local governments, to teach reading effectively. The data collected from this research reinforced prior research surrounding teacher education preparedness, teacher support and resources, which highlight the struggles of reading instruction


SC 11.MAE.2015.Crook.EK
