Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL)



First Advisor

Norma Noonan


Where is the current investment in training for multimedia managers and staff that produce daily broadcast news reports on multimedia platforms? What leadership-training program could be introduced at a local Midwest multimedia station that might address the need for leadership training at this station? This Action Research project examines the literature of what multimedia companies are doing in leadership training and observes specifically one Midwest station in particular. What is clear from the research is that multimedia managers want to have better human resource skills. What isn't clear is why leadership training for about one third of the multimedia industry tends to be a low priority. This Action Research project also introduces one leadership theory, the I-Opt model, to eleven individuals at a Midwest multimedia facility. Finally, this project summarizes what participants have learned and has recommendations for future training at this station."


SC 11.MAL.2015.Pierce.D
