Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Leadership (MAL)



First Advisor

David Lapakko

Second Advisor

Robert Stacke

Third Advisor

Elise Peters


This study examines the leadership style Father Angel Torellas used through music education at the Batahola Norte Center in Managuo, Nicaragua. The Center was established in 1983 by Father Angel Torellas and Sister Margarite and built on donated property and private donations to teach music fundamentals through voice and instruments. Twenty-one former students of the Batahola Norte Center were invited to participate in an interview at the Center to give their input of how music education had an impact on their adult lives. Research questions were gathered and based on an earlier Doctoral Dissertation written by Robert Stacke, "The Emergence of Music Education in the Barrios of Managus, Nicaragua" in 1998. This study discusses Father Angel's leadership style through personal interviews of former adult students. Ten questions were translated to Spanish and administered by an interpreter to the participants. This thesis concluded from the interviews of the former music students that Father Angel's style of leadership was a combination of Servant Leadership and Transformational Leadership. He served his students and taught them to serve others like him and was the example to follow. Father Angel also had a vision for the community and transformed a neighborhood and a community to live in the same harmony as his music.


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