Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Social Work (MSW)


Social Work


The purpose of this study was to explore the needs of homeless women. This survey included 32 women, who were enrolled in a Transitional Housing Program during 1995. Data collection questionnaire. The collection involved a self-administered questionnaire. The collected data covers several areas: (1) the needs of homeless women from their perspective, (2) improvement in service delivery, and (3) intervention strategies. Of the women surveyed 71.9% were African-American, 12.5% were Caucasian, and 15.6% were Native American. The average age was 25-34. Approximately, 62.5% of the women were single, and never married. And, the women averaged 3-5 children each. Surprisingly, 34.4% of the women have acquired permanent housing.

Of the women surveyed 46% were only in transitional housing for 1-4 months. Transitional housing was not utilized as long because the women met their goals quickly. The women cited nine services they needed but, did not receive. The services were (1) support from staff, (2) transportation, (3) financial assistance, (4) furniture, (5) moving assistance, (6) child care, (7) employment, (8) housing, and (9) other resources. Three major responses were cited by the women to meet their needs, and improve transitional housing services. (1) the staff's attitude, (2) more information on available resources, and (3) financial assistance. These women require more ongoing support form transitional housing staff, family, and social networks.


SC 11.MSW.1996.Scott.SA

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