Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

MS in Physician Assistant Studies (PA)


Physician Assistant Studies

First Advisor

Mary Ruggeri

Second Advisor

Vanessa Bester


A woman’s hormones are in constant fluctuation throughout the menstrual cycle. This 28-day, on average, fluctuation can cause major shifts in mood, cognition, exercise tolerance, and nutrition needs. Because of this, there is potential to optimize quality of life if each phase is synced with diet, exercise, and complementary medicine utilizing holistic methods. Implications for further research include a need for additional longitudinal and prospective studies. Factors that need to be addressed include further analysis of the windows of vulnerability over the menstrual cycle according to female hormone fluctuations, effects of hormonal contraceptives, and effects of pathology on the cycle.


SC 11.PAS.2024.Francois.M
