Training Foster Parents and Birth Families in Caring for American Indian Children W'ho Have Experienced Both Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or Effects and Sexual Abuse
This thesis examines the effects of both child sexual abuse and fetal alcohol syndrome or effects on American Indian children in foster care. These children manifest a variety of particular behaviors and mental incapabilities causing them to be exceptionally difficult to parent. Using a conceptual framework based on the perspectives of ecology, competence, human development, and permanency planning, the author develops a training program for foster parents, birth parents and extended family. The training provides concrete, workable and easy to apply strategies for caregivers to address the special needs and demands of these children. The rationale for joining foster parents in training with the birth parents is twofold; 1) the foster parents can provide social and emotional support to the birth parents, 2) this arrangement supports the traditional emphasis on role modeling, both of which are primary components of the healing process.