Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)




Migration is increasing due to instability in most parts of the world. Immigrants are faced with the choice to either maintain their unique cultural heritage or adopt the culture of the host country. Most immigrants desire to maintain their cultural heritage which requires balancing the values of their cultural heritage with those of the host country. Balancing includes silence which can reinforce self-blame when the values are in conflict. This project sought to break these patterns by engaging a group of Somali women in creative artistic activities. Based on Leininger's model of Cultural Care Diversity and Universality (1985), Watson's Human Science and Care Model (1995), a Practice Model was developed which combined creative arts with nursing arts to elicit cultural preservation themes during artistic group activities of the Somali women. The finale, a tie-dye quilt, embodied the preservation themes, thereby breaking the silence and enhancing self-esteem and self-sufficiency.


SC 11.MAN.2008.Sormana.M

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Nursing Commons
