Date of Award


Document Type

Restricted Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)



First Advisor

Joyce P. Miller DNP, RN

Second Advisor

Kristin McHale DNP, RN

Third Advisor

Jacqueline Njoki Sumner DNP, RN


The transgender population experiences high levels of stigma and discrimination due in part to a lack of understanding of gender identity and the effects of gender dysphoria. Because of this deficit in knowledge, transgender patients experience verbal and physical abuse in the healthcare setting and an increase in high-risk behavior. A review of the current literature revealed that education about what it means to be transgender and the significance of understanding gender identity is scarce for nurses as well as providers in healthcare today. This lack of provider knowledge increases stigma and discrimination for transgender patients and negatively impacts their overall physical and mental health and their well-being. Ambulatory care nurses are in a position to impact the quality of care for transgender patients, but education is needed, and resources are often limited. An educational tool was created for rural primary care nurses working in the ambulatory setting. Madeline Leininger's Culture Care Diversity and Universality Theory was used as the theoretical foundation for developing an educational tool. The andragogic principles for adult learning and the use of staff nurse's past experiences were also employed in the development of the education. A pre-test created to assess the current knowledge level will be given prior to the PowerPoint presentation. The educational tool also includes time for self-reflection and discussion of information provided. A post-test will measure the effectiveness of the content and teaching method. The tool is adaptable for educating staff nurses on other cultures which impacts the quality of care given, and promotes patient and staff satisfaction.


SC 11.MAN.2020.Olson.P
