Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAE)




The latest movement in educating students with disabilities is pushing toward full inclusion for academic and social advantages. When considering the educational programming for a child, academic performance is only one part of the picture. Students with special education needs may already have a lower self-esteem than their peers, and leaving the classroom for services may exemplify those feelings.

This study focuses on student impressions of how students are affected by special education and receive pull out instruction. Eight students, four in general education, and four in special education and receive pull out instruction were interviewed and observed in the classroom. The data show that students who are pulled out prefer to leave the classroom. The data also show that students who are not in special education do not treat the students who are pulled out any differently or look at them differently because they leave the classroom.


SC 11.MAE.2007.Bokinski.CA
