Date of Award

Summer 5-7-1997

Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Social Work (MSW)


Social Work

First Advisor

Maria Dinis

Second Advisor

Lynn Bergquist

Third Advisor

Nicholas Cooper-Lewter


The changing trends in health care are focusing copiously on the importance of prevention. However, research has shown that there is a lack of education and strategic programming to do this in primary care clinics despite the growing attention in medical journals. A structured multidisciplinary team in primary care can be influential in obtaining the services necessary for patients before the problems are unmanageable to be handled in an outpatient setting. The program introduced in this study has set role definitions based on the findings in the literature regarding each discipline involved. The team consists of the physician (general practitioner), social worker, dietitian, and nurse. The physician is the resource for patients to see medical specialists. Likewise, the social worker is the resource for assessing the psycho social issues and making appropriate referrals which can cut down on the time physicians spend with patients for non medical issues. Also, a teaching method is shown using a video as the instructional aid. Implications for social workers and managed care are discussed.


SC 11.MSW.1997.Gustafso.CL

Included in

Social Work Commons
